Noel tatili (başlangıç)
Cymartesi 21 aralık, 2024
Okul bayramlar :
Yarım gün tatil
Salı 24 aralık, 2024
Laik tatil :
Noel günü
Çarşamba 25 aralık, 2024
Katolik veya protestan : İsa'nın doğumu kutlanıyor. Meryem Anadan doğan, İsa aynı anda hem Allahın hemde insanın oğlu Germanic tribes also celebrated mid-winter (drinking and rituals). The Bulgarian (with Koleduvane) and the Polish (with Gwiazdka) perpetuate this tradition. Jesus of Nazareth was probably born in springtime (Reformists favour autumn). But in the 4th century, December 25th was chosen for the celebration of his birth by Pope Julius I (Bishop Liberus is also mentioned in 354 A.D.). Thus, a Christian element was introduced in the long-established mid-winter festivals. Before 1582, the Papal States and other Italian city states celebrated New Years Day on Christmas Day.
Yarım gün tatil
Salı 31 aralık, 2024
Laik tatil :
Yeni yıl (tıklayın)
Çarşamba 1 ocak, 2025
Laik tatil : The world's most widely celebrated holiday, New Years was set on January 1 by Julius Caesar because that was the date the Roman consuls took over their duties. Paid holiday when falling on Saturday or Sunday
Kolonileşme Kurbanları Anma Günü
Cymartesi 4 ocak, 2025
Kültür : 'nin anısına karşı yeniden silahlı mücadele Portekiz
Eğitim yılının başlaması
Pazartesi 6 ocak, 2025
Okul bayramlar : Https://
Ministry of Education
number of instructional days: 180
number of instructional weeks: 48
schools may open on Saturday
school uniforms generally required
We carry confirmed dates till Oct 2025Please note that authorities may take last-minute decisions; please double-check if this information is vital to you
Make a Paypal donation of euros 50 to
[email protected] to purchase the full calendar for 5 countries, including Luanda schools
[email protected] to purchase a file containing confirmed calendars of 550 countries and regions.
Isteğe tatil
Çarşamba 15 ocak, 2025
Laik tatil : The Former Combatants and Veterans of the Motherland Day
Bölgesel tatil
Cymartesi 25 ocak, 2025
Laik tatil : Luanda Day Luanda only
Askeri mücadelenin başlangıcı
Pazartesi 3 Şubat, 2025
Laik tatil : Anniversary of the 4 February of 1961 uprising, which marked the beginning of the armed struggle for the national liberation of Angola, in the history of the Portuguese fascist colonial regime, for the achievement of the national independence paid holiday when falling on Saturday or Sunday
Askeri mücadelenin başlangıcı
Salı 4 Şubat, 2025
Laik tatil : Anniversary of the 4 February of 1961 uprising, which marked the beginning of the armed struggle for the national liberation of Angola, in the history of the Portuguese fascist colonial regime, for the achievement of the national independence paid holiday when falling on Saturday or Sunday
Sevgililer Günü
Cuma 14 Şubat, 2025
Kartpostal/Çiçekle : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February
Pazartesi 3 mart, 2025
Laik tatil :
Salı 4 mart, 2025
Laik tatil :
Kadınlar günü
Cymartesi 8 mart, 2025
Laik tatil : The idea of an international women's day was first put forward at the turn of the 20th century amid rapid world industrialization and economic expansion that led to protests over working conditions. Women from clothing and textile factories staged one such protest on 8 March 1857 in New York City. The garment workers were protesting what they saw as very poor working conditions and low wages. The protesters were attacked and dispersed by police. These women established their first labor union two years later.
Kurtuluş bayramı
Pazar 23 mart, 2025
Laik tatil : The Cuito Cuanavale Battle in the southwest Cuando Cubango Province between August 14, 1987 and March 23, 1988
Karnaval tatili (başlangıç)
Pazartesi 31 mart, 2025
Okul bayramlar :