Tüm resmi tatiller ve kutlamalar dünyanın
Birleşik Arab Emirlikleri, Laos (Demokratik Halk Cumhuriyeti), Saba, bu gün sizin ulusal gününüz! EDIT bu özel günde her şeyin gönlünüzce olmasını diler.

linkHindistan (Goa) : resmi tatiller, bankaların kapalı olduğu günler, okul tatilleri

Hindistan (Goa) : resmi tatillerin, banka ve borsaların kapalı olduğu günlerin, okul tatillerinin, ticaret fuarlarının, kültürel ve spor etkinliklerinin, bayramların, karnavalların, seçimlerin tam programı

  • Para birimi : Rupee (INR)
  • Hafta sonu: cumartesi ve pazar
  • bU ÜLKENIN DILLERINDE TERCÜME ETMEK IÇIN: ingilizce (47 ülkede, 350 milyon kişi tarafından konuşuluyor), bengalce, assamais (180 milyon kişi tarafından konuşuluyor), hintçe (200 milyon kişi tarafından konuşuluyor), punjabi (85 milyon kişi tarafından konuşuluyor), tamul (55 milyon kişi tarafından konuşuluyor), telugu (70 milyon kişi tarafından konuşuluyor) ...
    Edit' le irtibat kurun !
  • TarihiAdıTürDaha
    Salı 3 aralık, 2024Saint François Xavier (Aziz François Xavier)Bankalar yalnızca
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    Perşembe 19 aralık, 2024Goa kurtuluşuBankalar yalnızca
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    Salı 24 aralık, 2024Noel tatili (başlangıç)Yukarıdaki resmi tatillere ilave okul tatilleri (bölgeye göre değişebilir)
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    Çarşamba 25 aralık, 2024Noel günüKatolik veya protestan
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    Cuma 3 ocak, 2025Noel Tatili (bitiş)Yukarıdaki resmi tatillere ilave okul tatilleri (bölgeye göre değişebilir)
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    Pazar 26 ocak, 2025Cumhuriyet günüLaik tatil
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    Cuma 28 Şubat, 2025Karnaval (belirtilen tarihden itibaren bu bayram beş gün sürüyor)Özel Etkinlikler
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    Perşembe 6 mart, 2025KarnavalÖzel Etkinlikler
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    Cuma 14 mart, 2025Holi veya Holika (açıklama için tıklayın)Budizm-Hinduizm
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    Pazar 30 mart, 2025Hindu, Navratri, Tamil, Telugu, Ugadi Yeni YılBudizm (Theravada)
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    Pazartesi 31 mart, 2025Ramazanın son günü (en yakın gün ile değişilik gösterebilir)İslâm
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    Saint François Xavier (Aziz François Xavier)

    Salı 3 aralık, 2024
    Bankalar yalnızca : (7 April 1506 – 3 December 1552), was a Navarrese Catholic missionary who was a co-founder of the Society of Jesus. Born in Javier, Kingdom of Navarre (in present-day Spain), he was a companion of Saint Ignatius of Loyola and one of the first seven Jesuits who took vows of poverty and chastity at Montmartre, Paris, in 1534.[3] He led an extensive mission into Asia, mainly in the Portuguese Empire of the time and was influential in evangelization work, most notably in India. The Goa Inquisition was proposed by St. Francis Xavier.[4][5] He also was the first Christian missionary to venture into Japan, Borneo, the Maluku Islands, and other areas. In those areas, struggling to learn the local languages and in the face of opposition, he had less success than he had enjoyed in India. Xavier was about to extend his missionary preaching to China when he died on Shangchuan Island. [Wikipedia]

    Goa kurtuluşu

    Perşembe 19 aralık, 2024
    Bankalar yalnızca :

    Noel tatili (başlangıç)

    Salı 24 aralık, 2024
    Okul bayramlar :

    Noel günü

    Çarşamba 25 aralık, 2024
    Katolik veya protestan : İsa'nın doğumu kutlanıyor. Meryem Anadan doğan, İsa aynı anda hem Allahın hemde insanın oğlu Germanic tribes also celebrated mid-winter (drinking and rituals). The Bulgarian (with Koleduvane) and the Polish (with Gwiazdka) perpetuate this tradition. Jesus of Nazareth was probably born in springtime (Reformists favour autumn). But in the 4th century, December 25th was chosen for the celebration of his birth by Pope Julius I (Bishop Liberus is also mentioned in 354 A.D.). Thus, a Christian element was introduced in the long-established mid-winter festivals. Before 1582, the Papal States and other Italian city states celebrated New Year’s Day on Christmas Day.

    Noel Tatili (bitiş)

    Cuma 3 ocak, 2025
    Okul bayramlar : Https://www.education.goa.gov.in/
    official calender gazetted by the Ministry of Education
    Schooling is mandatory till age 14
    Teaching languages: Konkani, Portuguese, English
    Number of instructional days: 200
    schools close on Saturday
    school uniforms required

    We carry confirmed dates till May 2025-- heat waves may affect the calendar

    Please note that authorities may take last-minute decisions; please double-check if this information is vital to you
    Make a Paypal donation of euros 50 to [email protected] to purchase the full calendar for 5 countries, including Goa schools
    Contact [email protected] to purchase a file containing confirmed calendars of 550 countries and regions.

    Cumhuriyet günü

    Pazar 26 ocak, 2025
    Laik tatil : It was the Lahore Session of the Indian National Congress at midnight of December 31, 1929 - January 1, 1930, that the Tri-Colour Flag was unfurled by the nationalists and a pledge taken that every year on January 26, the Independence Day would be celebrated and that the people would unceasingly strive for the establishment of a Sovereign Democratic Republic of India. The professed pledge was successfully redeemed on January 26, 1950, when the Constitution of India framed by the Constituent Assembly of India came into force, although the Independence from the British rule was achieved on August 15, 1947. It is because of this that August 15 is celebrated as Independence Day, while January 26 as Republic Day. www.indiaa2z.com

    Karnaval (belirtilen tarihden itibaren bu bayram beş gün sürüyor)

    Cuma 28 Şubat, 2025
    Kültür :


    Perşembe 6 mart, 2025
    Kültür : Http://goacarnival.com/

    Holi veya Holika (açıklama için tıklayın)

    Cuma 14 mart, 2025
    Budizm-Hinduizm :

    Hindu, Navratri, Tamil, Telugu, Ugadi Yeni Yıl

    Pazar 30 mart, 2025
    Budizm (Theravada) : Ugadi olarak da bilinen Hindu Yeni Yılı, ilkbahar ekinoksu üzerinde veya sonrasında yeni ayı takip eden gündür.

    Ramazanın son günü (en yakın gün ile değişilik gösterebilir)

    Pazartesi 31 mart, 2025
    İslâm :