Tüm resmi tatiller ve kutlamalar dünyanın
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linkMyanmar (Yangon) : resmi tatiller, bankaların kapalı olduğu günler, okul tatilleri

Myanmar (Yangon) : resmi tatillerin, banka ve borsaların kapalı olduğu günlerin, okul tatillerinin, ticaret fuarlarının, kültürel ve spor etkinliklerinin, bayramların, karnavalların, seçimlerin tam programı

  • Para birimi : Kyat (MMK)
  • Hafta sonu: cumartesi ve pazar
  • bU ÜLKENIN DILLERINDE TERCÜME ETMEK IÇIN: birmanca (30 milyon kişi tarafından konuşuluyor), bölgelere ait olan diller ...
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  • TarihiAdıTürDaha
    Cuma 5 nisan, 2024Yarıyıl tatili (başlangıç)Yukarıdaki resmi tatillere ilave okul tatilleri (bölgeye göre değişebilir)
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    Cymartesi 13 nisan, 2024Thingyan Su FestivaliLaik tatil
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    Pazar 14 nisan, 2024Thingyan Su FestivaliLaik tatil
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    Pazartesi 15 nisan, 2024Thingyan Su FestivaliLaik tatil
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    Salı 16 nisan, 2024Myanmar'da yeni yılLaik tatil
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    Çarşamba 17 nisan, 2024Myanmar'da yeni yılLaik tatil
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    Perşembe 18 nisan, 2024Yarıyıl tatili (bitiş)Yukarıdaki resmi tatillere ilave okul tatilleri (bölgeye göre değişebilir)
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    Çarşamba 1 mayıs, 2024İşçi bayramıLaik tatil
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    Çarşamba 22 mayıs, 2024Kason Day DolunayLaik tatil
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    Perşembe 6 haziran, 2024Okul yılı başlangıcı (devlet okulları)Yukarıdaki resmi tatillere ilave okul tatilleri (bölgeye göre değişebilir)
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    Cuma 7 haziran, 2024Yaz tatili (başlangıç)Yukarıdaki resmi tatillere ilave okul tatilleri (bölgeye göre değişebilir)
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    Pazartesi 17 haziran, 2024Eid-ul-Adha veya, Büyük Bayram veya, Aïd veya, Id-Ul-Zuha (Bakrid) - Kurban bayramı (bir gün fark edebilir)Kartpostal/Çiçekle
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    Cuma 19 temmuz, 2024Şehitler günüLaik tatil
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    Cymartesi 20 temmuz, 2024Waso Robe Yardımlaşma SeremonisiBudizm (Vajrayana)
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    Pazar 21 temmuz, 2024Waso Robe Yardımlaşma SeremonisiBudizm (Vajrayana)
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    Pazartesi 22 temmuz, 2024Waso Robe Yardımlaşma SeremonisiBudizm (Vajrayana)
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    Pazartesi 12 ağustos, 2024Yaz tatili (bitiş)Yukarıdaki resmi tatillere ilave okul tatilleri (bölgeye göre değişebilir)
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    Cuma 4 ekim, 2024Sonbahar Ekinoksu (başlangıç)Yukarıdaki resmi tatillere ilave okul tatilleri (bölgeye göre değişebilir)
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    Pazartesi 14 ekim, 2024Sonbahar tatili (bitiş)Yukarıdaki resmi tatillere ilave okul tatilleri (bölgeye göre değişebilir)
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    Çarşamba 16 ekim, 2024Tadingyut Day DolunayLaik tatil
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    Perşembe 17 ekim, 2024Bouk ok Pansa (Budist oruç son günü)Budizm (Theravada)
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    Perşembe 17 ekim, 2024Tadingyut Day DolunayLaik tatil
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    Cuma 18 ekim, 2024Bouk ok Pansa (Budist oruç son günü)Budizm (Theravada)
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    Cuma 18 ekim, 2024Tadingyut Day DolunayLaik tatil
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    Yarıyıl tatili (başlangıç)

    Cuma 5 nisan, 2024
    Okul bayramlar :

    Thingyan Su Festivali

    Cymartesi 13 nisan, 2024
    Laik tatil : Starts the Burmese New Year. Thingyan, from the Sanskrit samkranta (fully passed over), celebrates the passage of the sun from the sign of Pisces into the sign of Aries in zodiac. As in Thailand's Songkran or in Laos, it is celebrated by throwing buckets of cold water at all passers-by. Paid holiday when falling on Saturday or Sunday

    Thingyan Su Festivali

    Pazar 14 nisan, 2024
    Laik tatil : Starts the Burmese New Year. Thingyan, from the Sanskrit samkranta (fully passed over), celebrates the passage of the sun from the sign of Pisces into the sign of Aries in zodiac. As in Thailand's Songkran or in Laos, it is celebrated by throwing buckets of cold water at all passers-by. Paid holiday when falling on Saturday or Sunday

    Thingyan Su Festivali

    Pazartesi 15 nisan, 2024
    Laik tatil : Starts the Burmese New Year. Thingyan, from the Sanskrit samkranta (fully passed over), celebrates the passage of the sun from the sign of Pisces into the sign of Aries in zodiac. As in Thailand's Songkran or in Laos, it is celebrated by throwing buckets of cold water at all passers-by. Paid holiday when falling on Saturday or Sunday

    Myanmar'da yeni yıl

    Salı 16 nisan, 2024
    Laik tatil : Su festivali - 3 gün boyunca

    Myanmar'da yeni yıl

    Çarşamba 17 nisan, 2024
    Laik tatil : Su festivali - 3 gün boyunca

    Yarıyıl tatili (bitiş)

    Perşembe 18 nisan, 2024
    Okul bayramlar :

    İşçi bayramı

    Çarşamba 1 mayıs, 2024
    Laik tatil : Chicago, Saturday May 1st, 1886: 350,000 workers go on strike to call for an 8-hour working day. Industries are paralyzed nationwide. On Monday, as demonstrations go on, the police open fire. On Tuesday, Chicago is again on strike. Following a bomb launched against them, the police shoot again. 12 dead, of which 7 policemen. 8 anarchists will be condemned and executed. In 1889, the Socialist International Movement met in Paris and declared this day international workers' day . The Soviets will follow suit, just as the Nazis. In France, under the Vichy regime (1940-1944), the celebration is renamed Labour Day . a bomb launched against them, the police shoots again. 12 dead, of which 7 policemen. 8 anarchists will be condemned and executed. In 1889, the Socialist International Movement met in Paris and declared this day "international workers' day". The Soviets will follow suit, just as the Nazis.In France, under the Vichy regime (1940-1944), the celebration is renamed "Labour Day".

    Kason Day Dolunay

    Çarşamba 22 mayıs, 2024
    Laik tatil : Kason is a local month falling in April-May

    Okul yılı başlangıcı (devlet okulları)

    Perşembe 6 haziran, 2024
    Okul bayramlar :

    Yaz tatili (başlangıç)

    Cuma 7 haziran, 2024
    Okul bayramlar :

    Eid-ul-Adha veya, Büyük Bayram veya, Aïd veya, Id-Ul-Zuha (Bakrid) - Kurban bayramı (bir gün fark edebilir)

    Pazartesi 17 haziran, 2024
    Kartpostal/Çiçekle : The second main celebration of Islam. It cele ates A aham's willingness to sacrifice his son in obedience to God. Muslims make their annual pilgrimage, or the Hajj , to Makkah (Mecca) in Saudi Arabia.

    Şehitler günü

    Cuma 19 temmuz, 2024
    Laik tatil : Andı bir suikast sonucu liderleri bağımsızlık 1947 yılında

    Waso Robe Yardımlaşma Seremonisi

    Cymartesi 20 temmuz, 2024
    Budizm (Vajrayana) : Lasts 2 weeks

    Waso Robe Yardımlaşma Seremonisi

    Pazar 21 temmuz, 2024
    Budizm (Vajrayana) : Lasts 2 weeks

    Waso Robe Yardımlaşma Seremonisi

    Pazartesi 22 temmuz, 2024
    Budizm (Vajrayana) : Lasts 2 weeks

    Yaz tatili (bitiş)

    Pazartesi 12 ağustos, 2024
    Okul bayramlar :

    Sonbahar Ekinoksu (başlangıç)

    Cuma 4 ekim, 2024
    Okul bayramlar :

    Sonbahar tatili (bitiş)

    Pazartesi 14 ekim, 2024
    Okul bayramlar :

    Tadingyut Day Dolunay

    Çarşamba 16 ekim, 2024
    Laik tatil : The Buddhist Lent comes to an end and all those couples who had been putting off marriage now rush into each other's arms. Monks are free to travel from kyaung to kyaung or to go on pilgrimage to holy spots such as Kyaiktiyo or Mt Popa. The Festival of Lights takes place during Thadingyut to celebrate Buddha's return from a period of preaching dhamma (Buddhist philosophy) in Tavatimsa (the highest deva realm), his way lit by devas who lined the route of his descent. For the three days of the festival all of Myanmar is lit by oil lamps, fire balloons, candles and even mundane electric lamps. Tadingyut is the name of a month falling in September-October.

    Bouk ok Pansa (Budist oruç son günü)

    Perşembe 17 ekim, 2024
    Budizm (Theravada) :

    Tadingyut Day Dolunay

    Perşembe 17 ekim, 2024
    Laik tatil : The Buddhist Lent comes to an end and all those couples who had been putting off marriage now rush into each other's arms. Monks are free to travel from kyaung to kyaung or to go on pilgrimage to holy spots such as Kyaiktiyo or Mt Popa. The Festival of Lights takes place during Thadingyut to celebrate Buddha's return from a period of preaching dhamma (Buddhist philosophy) in Tavatimsa (the highest deva realm), his way lit by devas who lined the route of his descent. For the three days of the festival all of Myanmar is lit by oil lamps, fire balloons, candles and even mundane electric lamps. Tadingyut is the name of a month falling in September-October.

    Bouk ok Pansa (Budist oruç son günü)

    Cuma 18 ekim, 2024
    Budizm (Theravada) :

    Tadingyut Day Dolunay

    Cuma 18 ekim, 2024
    Laik tatil : The Buddhist Lent comes to an end and all those couples who had been putting off marriage now rush into each other's arms. Monks are free to travel from kyaung to kyaung or to go on pilgrimage to holy spots such as Kyaiktiyo or Mt Popa. The Festival of Lights takes place during Thadingyut to celebrate Buddha's return from a period of preaching dhamma (Buddhist philosophy) in Tavatimsa (the highest deva realm), his way lit by devas who lined the route of his descent. For the three days of the festival all of Myanmar is lit by oil lamps, fire balloons, candles and even mundane electric lamps. Tadingyut is the name of a month falling in September-October.