Tüm resmi tatiller ve kutlamalar dünyanın

linkÇek Cumhuriyeti: resmi tatiller

Çek Cumhuriyeti 2024: önümüzdeki 3 ay için hava alanı ve otel rezervasyonlarını etkileyebilecek resmi tatillerin, dini bayramların, kutlamaların tam takvimi

  • Para birimi : Koruna (CZK)
  • Internet domain: .cz - Telephone code: +420 - International dialing code: 00
  • Hafta sonu: cumartesi ve pazar
  • bU ÜLKENIN DILLERINDE TERCÜME ETMEK IÇIN: çekçe (11 milyon kişi tarafından konuşuluyor), çingence, romanca, vlax (10 milyon kişi tarafından konuşuluyor) ...
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  • TarihiAdıTürDaha
    Pazartesi 1 nisan, 2024Paskalya pazartesisiKatolik veya protestan
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    Çarşamba 1 mayıs, 2024İşçi bayramıLaik tatil
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    Çarşamba 8 mayıs, 2024Zafer bayramı 1945Laik tatil
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    Cuma 5 temmuz, 2024Saint Cyril (Aziz Cyril) ve Saint Methode (Aziz Methode)Ortodoks
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    Cymartesi 6 temmuz, 2024Jan HusLaik tatil
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    Cymartesi 28 eylül, 2024Çek devletin bayramıLaik tatil
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    Pazartesi 28 ekim, 2024Milli bayramMilli bayram
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    Paskalya pazartesisi

    Pazartesi 1 nisan, 2024
    Katolik veya protestan : 325 yılında, Paskalya'nın günü belirtilmiştir. Dolunayı, Hicri sisteme göre, 14cü gün olarak belirtiliyor. Paskalya bayramın günü yapılan dini takvime, ve ayın yaşına göre beli oluyor. Avec la convention d'un équinoxe fixé ne varietur au 21 mars, des algorithmes purent être élaborés pour assigner à Pâques de n'importe quelle année une date a priori différente de celle que vous calculeriez si vous cherchiez quel dimanche suit la Pleine L İki dolunayın arasında, 29 gün, 12 saat ve 44 dakikalık bir zaman geçiyor. Yılın takvimini belirtiyor.

    İşçi bayramı

    Çarşamba 1 mayıs, 2024
    Laik tatil : Chicago, Saturday May 1st, 1886: 350,000 workers go on strike to call for an 8-hour working day. Industries are paralyzed nationwide. On Monday, as demonstrations go on, the police open fire. On Tuesday, Chicago is again on strike. Following a bomb launched against them, the police shoot again. 12 dead, of which 7 policemen. 8 anarchists will be condemned and executed. In 1889, the Socialist International Movement met in Paris and declared this day international workers' day . The Soviets will follow suit, just as the Nazis. In France, under the Vichy regime (1940-1944), the celebration is renamed Labour Day . a bomb launched against them, the police shoots again. 12 dead, of which 7 policemen. 8 anarchists will be condemned and executed. In 1889, the Socialist International Movement met in Paris and declared this day "international workers' day". The Soviets will follow suit, just as the Nazis.In France, under the Vichy regime (1940-1944), the celebration is renamed "Labour Day".

    Zafer bayramı 1945

    Çarşamba 8 mayıs, 2024
    Laik tatil : On the 7th of May 1945, at 2:41, a first act of German surrender was signed in Reims. The fighting stopped at 23:01, on the 8th of May, French time. The news was only officially broadcast in France the next day. Therefore, on the 8th of May, at 15:00, the bells of all of the churches in France officially rang out the end of the war, whilst General de Gaulle announced it on the radio. We have won the war. Victory is ours.

    Saint Cyril (Aziz Cyril) ve Saint Methode (Aziz Methode)

    Cuma 5 temmuz, 2024
    Ortodoks : Cyril and Methodius were two brothers born in Thessaloniki in the Byzantine Empire in the 9th century, who became missionaries of Christianity in Khazaria and Great Moravia. They both perfected a Slavonic alphabet which is now known as the Cyrillic alphabet and translated the liturgy into this language. Wikipedia

    Jan Hus

    Cymartesi 6 temmuz, 2024
    Laik tatil : (1369–1415) Bohemian religious reformer. He studied and later taught at Prague, where he was ordained priest. Influenced by the writings of John Wycliffe, Hus was excommunicated by Pope Gregory XII in 1411. In De Ecclesia (1412), Hus outlined his case for reform of the Church. He was tried by the Council of Constance (1415) and burned at the stake as a heretic. His followers, known as Hussites, launched a civil war against the Holy Roman Empire. http://www.encyclopedia.com/

    Çek devletin bayramı

    Cymartesi 28 eylül, 2024
    Laik tatil :

    Milli bayram

    Pazartesi 28 ekim, 2024
    Laik tatil : In 1918, during the collapse of the Habsburg Empire at the end of World War I, the independent republic of Czechoslovakia, which joined the winning Allied powers, was created. This new country incorporated the Bohemian Crown (Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia) and parts of the Kingdom of Hungary (Slovakia and the Carpathian Ruthenia) with significant German, Hungarian, Polish and Ruthenian speaking minorities. Paid holiday when falling on Saturday or Sunday [Wikipedia]